26 million digital lottery tickets on sale after agents ordered more, sold out during the draw, aiming to reduce the problem of overpriced lottery tickets. From the case where the Government Lottery Office (GLO) has set guidelines to add another 2 million digital lottery tickets between draws, starting from the draw on September 16, 2024 onwards, to allow people to buy lottery tickets at a price not exceeding 80 baht more widely and to increase options for capable distributors who can order to sell more in the middle of the draw, 1-5 books per person or 100-500 tickets per draw. Lt. Col. Noon Sansanakom, Director of the Government Lottery Office, revealed that the opening of the opportunity for digital lottery distributors to order lottery tickets during the draw, starting from the draw on September 16, 2024, which was the first draw that opened for orders via the Paotang application on September 6, has received a lot of attention. There were distributors who came to buy and reserve the full amount of no m ore than 20,000 books or 2 million copies very quickly. Within just 22 seconds, the entire amount was full. During the period when the order was opened until the system was closed, it was found that there were orders for more than 70,000 books or 7 million copies, which was higher than the set target. Of this number, it was also found that most distributors had ordered all 5 books, totaling 3,786, while the rest had an average purchase of 1-4 books at a similar level. The Government Lottery Office has allocated all orders to those who ordered on a first-come, first-served basis and has started selling from now onwards. 'The purchase of digital lottery tickets during the draw increased by 2 million copies, resulting in a total of 26 million digital lottery tickets for the draw on September 16, 2024, up from 24 million copies in the previous draw. As a result, those who want to buy lottery tickets have the opportunity to buy digital lottery tickets at a price of 80 baht per copy easily by themselves via the P aotang application, without any additional costs or service fees.' Lt. Col. Noon added that allowing distributors to order digital lottery tickets between draws is to allow lottery sales to reflect the real market. If sales are good in a draw and tickets sell out quickly, sellers can order more tickets to sell. However, if sales are bad in a draw, there is no need to order more tickets. The number of digital lottery tickets sold is the same, no less than 24 million tickets per draw. He also reminded agents who want to sell more lottery tickets to carefully consider their lottery sales capabilities. The Lottery Office has also set up a digital lottery booth to allow distributors to have their own lottery sales channel through the lottery sales website under the name www.glolotteryshop.com to support them in opening lottery shops and doing their own marketing, which will help increase the chances of selling their own digital lottery tickets faster. Source: Thai News Agency