‘Ann’ is worried about ‘Nonny’ working as far as Chiang Mai and encountering PM 2.5.


Nine Entertainment, "Ann Siriam" is separated from "Nonny" and works full time in Chiang Mai, worried about the PM 2.5 problem affecting her daughter's health. Nose bleed reveals secret 53 still delicious Making the mother still perfect, Ann Siriam even came out and admitted that she was worried about her daughter, Nonny Nonlanee, who used to act as a personal manager. Then I changed myself to work full time as an airport official. and had to move to work in Chiang Mai Province, where the daughter would travel back to Bangkok 2-3 times a month Make your mother miss you. But what makes me more worried than before is the problem of PM 2.5 dust in Chiang Mai province. Because my daughter already has an allergy. So it was fully affected. Some days there were even nosebleeds. As a mother who lives away, I can only warn her not to leave the building often. As for her future plans as a mother, I am ready to fully support her. Nonny herself has no plans to move back to work in Bangkok right now. And even though A nn Siriam will be 53 years old this year, she still takes good care of herself. There was no undertone of sexiness. especially tennis fashion No matter what outfit it was, it made all the young men and women in the field stunned. He revealed that It is considered a happiness in addition to exercising. I still dress beautifully to play sports. When I dress, I don't think too much. I focus on being simple and comfortable, but not to the point of being confident that it's a good hanger and that no matter what I dress it will be beautiful. But even though I often see her dressed in hot clothes, her husband doesn't mind because he's so busy that he never sees the pictures. Only my daughter called to gently warn me. Just a little bit. Source: Thai News Agency