Enterprises speed up for first orders of year


In the first days of The year of the Cat 2023, the production atmosphere at enterprises and factories in Long An province was quite busy. Most enterprises are determined and make efforts to complete the goals for high growth in production in the new year.

Start production

Nam Sung Aluminum Co., Ltd. gradually dominates the domestic market with many brands of the same type and has a customer system in Phu Yen, Gia Lai, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City. Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director of Nam Sung Aluminum Company Limited – Doan Van Cuong said that in 2023, the company’s goal is to increase production by 50% compared to 2022. To achieve this goal, soon after the Lunar New Year holiday in 2023, all managers and employees returned to work from the 9th day of the first lunar month with excitement for the first orders to serve the construction of schools, apartments, hotels, and so on.

Mr. Doan Van Cuong added that in order to have the best supply for customers, the company has actively increased the stock of raw materials from the last months of 2022 to maintain stable production and business activities. In 2023, the company will continue to ensure an abundant supply for the market with shaped aluminum bar and high-quality aluminum products.

In particular, Nam Sung Aluminum Co., Ltd. has just been honored to be voted in the top 500 largest private enterprises in Vietnam (VNR500) organized by Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report) and VietnamNet e-newspaper. Currently, the company has a factory with a total area of about 45,000 square meters in Hai Son Industrial Park phase 3+4, Duc Hoa district and a factory in Nam Dinh province with an area of over 100,000 square meters with modern production lines, applying 4.0 technology.

Many positive signals

Amphenol Technology Vietnam Co., Ltd (Kizuna 3 Expansion Factory Area, Extension Tan Kim Industrial Park, Can Giuoc District) specializes in manufacturing signal cables, optical cables and assembling electronic components for broadcasting and television industry. The company has about 800 employees working 3 shifts, products are mainly for export.

Director of Amphenol Technology Vietnam Co., Ltd – Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa said, the company is a member of investors from the US with more than 100 subsidiaries. Because the parent company has great potential, at this time, Amphenol Technology Vietnam Co., Ltd. has orders for the whole year of 2023. Along with production, the Board of Directors of the company always focuses on taking care of the life and health of employees because this is the biggest resource for the company to complete the plan. Currently, the salary and benefits are always well taken care of by the company and higher than other industries.

In 2022, Amphenol Technology Vietnam Co., Ltd. exported nearly 110% of the plan and increased by nearly 150% compared to 2021. Right from the beginning of the new year, workers and employees of the company have stabilized production and prepared to export the first orders. It is expected that in 2023, the company will export 30-35 containers/month.

GN Food Joint Stock Company (Expanded Long Hau Industrial Park, Can Giuoc District) specializes in the production of frozen foods for export to Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, the UK, the US, etc. Their representative said that before the Lunar New Year in 2023, the enterprise encouraged their employees to return to work on time to ensure the delivery schedule for partners. The good news is that at this time, most of the employees returned to normal work and completed orders in time.

In 2023, the company forecasts that there will be more orders than in 2022 due to more customers. In addition, their customers are more and more satisfied with services and products that other companies in the same industry have not been able to do, such as dividing products, implementing many recipes on the same product. Currently, the company invests in another factory in Long Hau Industrial Park.

According to the Department of Industry and Trade, the province’s target is the industrial production index to increase by 9.5% compared to 2022; the total retail sales of goods and services at 109,200 billion VND, up 6.5% compared to 2022; export turnover of 7.1 billion USD, an increase of 5.97% compared to 2022. The goal of enterprises is to diversify products to adapt to more markets and have more customers to achieve higher growth than in 2022. In order to return to work after the Tet holiday, the enterprises have been proactive in sourcing raw materials before, the number of workers returning to work is quite large, helping businesses quickly stabilize production. Moreover, the enterprises have actively had strategies to find customers, many enterprises are excited because they have orders until the end of 2023. These are favorable conditions for businesses to start a year with a new spirit, to strive for continued revenue growth higher than last year.

The Provincial People’s Committee has directed departments, branches and localities to urgently focus on work, ensuring timeliness, quality and efficiency, not letting the delay affect production, business, socio-economic activities; creating an atmosphere of excitement to perform well at the beginning of the year. At the same time, the province continues to promote reform of administrative procedures, especially reducing regulations related to business activities.

Right after the Lunar New Year, the provincial leaders organized working groups to visit, work and give New Year greeting to the enterprises. On this occasion, provincial leaders visited, received recommendations and encouraged the enterprises to strive to fulfill their production and business targets in 2023. This is an important motivation to help enterprises overcome difficulties and speed up./.