Prime Minister reveals investment of hundreds of billions takes time


Italy, The Prime Minister summarizes the overview of the Italian mission. I understand people rushing to get results. But investing hundreds of billions takes time. Not as long as Rome was built I repeat, many things have already happened. (21 May 2024) at 11.20 a.m. local time in Rome, Republic of Italy. which is 5 hours later than Thailand. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister, gave an interview to the media. After finding out with the company Barilla Fratelli (Barilla GeR Fratelli SpA) and the company Eni (Ani) yesterday afternoon (20 May 24) that the company Barilla Fratelli Telli is a pasta company. which is the largest company in Italy and want to expand investment to Thailand Instead of just selling pasta or ready-to-eat food. The said company is confident that Thailand is a good market. Have appropriate skills, with BOI providing support I would like to use these things as a production base. and distributed to ASEAN countries He therefore advised the said company that if it was not related to pigs I would like to come and set up a factory in Thailand to produce Halal products. Barilla Company is interested and advises that Halal food has a large market in Africa. and Middle East that can be supported You will need to find a partner for the company. I tried to talk to 2-3 companies and quickly searched for them. in order to buy Thai materials The Prime Minister also spoke with executives of Eni, one of the largest petroleum chemical companies. which has traded with Thailand is already with PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited or PTTEP and is already purchasing gas from this company. which is a company that has expertise in drilling for natural gas resources It can be called number one. If Thailand solves the problem of the Thai-Cambodian Maritime Overlapping Area (OCA), such companies will be interested in participating in the investment. and took part in drilling for natural gas And my own intention is for Eni to set up a company in Thailand as well, like Barilla, which is considered a good sign. In addition, there will be preparation for aviation fuel made from Biofil. Companies would like to set up factories but are in the process of preparing information. If it is worth it and if it is appropriate, they will come and set up a factory in Thailand. As for last morning, he had a discussion with the executives of Bvlgari Company, which Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya I came to intern here for 2 years between 2010-2011. The government places importance on handicrafts and therefore wants there to be an exchange of knowledge with those with expertise. Let Thai people participate and came to intern here Because Thailand has a famous gem industry and Bvlgari Company also purchases precious stones such as gemstones from Thailand. and has distributor representatives who are Thai It is also the 140th anniversary year and there will be a big show. It is understood that many Thai people were invited to attend the event. The Prime Minist er also spoke about the overall picture of his visit to the Republic of Italy and meeting with many businessmen and companies. Many things that will be returned to Thailand are: exchange and international investment from both sides Because Italy has expertise in design. and various fashions, from clothing to jewelry which is a high-end product who is very skilled Thailand would like to have an exchange in this matter. The design industry is also an important industry. But we cannot elevate it to a value as high as his. For example, just one Bvlgari product. A single piece is worth 40 million euros or approximately 1,600 million baht. It is considered a very valuable product. Because there are many steps in the production process starting from Selection of raw materials and grinding While in the matter of international trade such as the matter of the defense industry Thailand will benefit a lot. and will have to discuss with the Prime Minister of Italy in the Four Eyes format, where knowledge will be exchange d in the areas of military, energy, food, design and design. The Prime Minister admitted that That matter had to wait because of the proverbial saying that Rome was not built in a day. But in my heart I didn't want it to last as long as the construction of Rome. And in many matters that the government has contacted and talked about, they have ideas that they want to achieve quickly. Many of which were continued by the previous government. And this government has come to continue, many of which we may be able to do immediately. But many other things must wait for some time. Because of one time investment Tens of billions Hundred billion must be looked at carefully in many matters and dimensions. Therefore, the government will push hard and have discussions with the team that after this work will have to be followed up. Which investment takes time While many things have already begun to be seen, such as Microsoft announcing that it will invest. It is understood that there are voices expressing concern about h ow quickly this can be done. But what he had prepared had already done everything. But the matter of results We also have ambitions. I want to get a lot because many companies that want to invest say they want to see the amount. and value first Therefore, it was recommended that we establish an office in Thailand first. Will it be the egg before the chicken or the chicken before the egg? If people can be brought to work in Thailand It might be possible to happen. However, the matter of negotiation The Prime Minister stated that it is something that we must do continuously. Source: Thai News Agency