There is still no shadow of “Nong Noon” missing in Switzerland for almost a month.


Thai girl disappears in Switzerland. Met for the last consecutive day on 26 April 2024 at the Thai Embassy. Revealed that they have coordinated with the Swiss police to find him. The older sister reveals that the younger sibling's timeline has been lost. After traveling with a foreign boyfriend From the online world, a post by a woman was shared. This is the older sister who has announced the search for her younger sister "Khun Noon" who mysteriously disappeared after traveling to Switzerland. along with boyfriend Unable to contact at all channels. From April 26 Later, the Royal Thai Embassy Bern received coordination from the family. Post a message to help publicize and follow Khun Noon If anyone sees Khun Nun Or do you have additional information that will be useful in tracking down Khun Noon? You can contact the Facebook page of the Royal Thai Embassy. The news team contacted Khun Fon. Nong Nun's older sister Come out and reveal the story. Ready to raise doubts about your boyfriend He said that Nong Nun I met my boyfriend through an application. After 1 week, I was taken to get to know my family. The couple has plans to get married. Then moved to America Before that, on March 31, he still chatted with his younger sister. which he stated was still in Thailand and have problems with traveling Then, on April 1, the family knew that The couple were traveling to Switzerland. Follow each other on social media. We didn't talk to each other. Until on April 24, Nong Noon sent a message to her sister asking her to transfer 430 baht to her, but didn't say what the value was. On April 26, I called to tell my sister that she was fine. with a rush before hanging up which since that day The family was unable to contact Nong Noon through any means. Normally, Nong Noon would contact the family every 2-3 days. She had never been gone for a long time like this. My older sister also said that In the past, the man had promised Nong Nun that he would take him to the wedding. But when they arrived, the man didn't keep his promi se. He also asked Nong Noon to pay for all travel expenses. The family then told her to return to Thailand. But Nong Noon didn't come back and ask to see again for a while. Which is Nong Noon's older sister The man's information was taken to check. So he knew that he had been charged with imprisoning a woman. This made the family worried that something bad would happen to their younger sister. Since it was news Many media outlets and even embassies posted messages looking for them. But the family still hasn't heard any news about her sister. So he was worried that his younger sister might be harmed. Because if you still live a normal life You must see the news from Thai media. and have already contacted him. Source: Thai News Agency