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Yoon’s office says Japan should not take ‘unfavorable action’ against Naver

SEOUL, The presidential office said Tuesday the Japanese government should not take "unfavorable action" against Naver in the event the South Korean tech giant addresses its concerns about data security. Sung Tae-yoon, director of national policy at the presidential office, made the remark as Naver has faced apparent pressure from the Japanese government to sell its stake in the operator of Line, the biggest messenger app in Japan that Naver developed, following a massive leak of user information last year. "In the event appropriate measures to strengthen data security are submitted, we should never have to see the Japanese government take unfavorable action against the will of Naver concerning its capital structure," Sung said during a press briefing. Sung noted the Japanese government has stated several times there was no mention of a stake sale in the administrative guidance it issued to LY, Line's operator, earlier this year, nor any reference to control of the company. The guidance had said LY shoul d "review its capital relationship" with Naver. "In the event LY plans to submit measures to strengthen data security to the Japanese government, excluding a change in the capital structure, our government will fully provide the necessary assistance to Naver," Sung said, citing technical and administrative counseling as examples. "Going forward, our government will continue to respond thoroughly and strongly so that our companies do not face discriminatory action or unfair treatment against the company's will overseas," he added. The presidential office made a similar statement a day earlier, saying the government will "respond firmly and strongly in the event of unfair measures in the least bit against the will of our companies." Source: Yonhap News Agency