Grateful grandchild agrees to miss school to take care of bedridden grandmother until 15 are at zero.


Bangkok: Grateful grandchild, a Mathayom 6 student, took care of her seriously ill grandmother for more than 2 months until her grades were in grades 0 to 15 in subjects. On holidays, she had to go to work to earn money to buy food to feed her grandmother. Reporters went to Village No. 2, Ban Phet Niyom, Sak Ngam Subdistrict, Khlong Lan District, Kamphaeng Phet Province, Ban Yai Thatphan Jamsai, 65 years old, bedridden due to physical disability. Can't eat food by myself Must eat liquid food. Grandson named Mr. Ekawit, 17 years old, Mathayom 6 student at Khlong Lan Witthaya School. Have to go back and forth between home and school. causing the need to stop studying regularly to return to take care of grandma at home Sometimes missing school for weeks. Taking care of Grandma if she has to stay in the hospital. Grandma's income is only 600 baht per month for the elderly and 800 baht per month for the disabled, for a total monthly income of 1,400 baht. So her grandson has to work to earn extra income during ho lidays, Saturdays, Sundays, or weekdays. To buy Pampers that need to be used at least 3 pieces a day and to buy food to make liquid food to feed Grandma 3 times a day. Although the Sak Ngam Subdistrict Administrative Organization Has provided assistance in some areas. Whether it is adjusting the living environment Giving survival kits Purchasing a liquid food blender Buying Pampers is not enough. As for the community/village, they come in to take care of hygiene. Environment inside the house and encouragement Take care of feeding while the grandson goes to school. But it is only to alleviate the problem initially. Nong Phi said that her parents had separated for more than 10 years. Three months ago, her grandmother fell ill and suffered a brain hemorrhage. Until causing the body to be disabled in movement Unable to help herself, Nong Phi was 0 to 15 in subjects. The teachers, professors and director of Khlong Lan Witthaya School I understand the living situation. Provide opportunities to repair problems in subjects. It takes a lot of effort. In order to study to keep up with friends There are only 2 months left until graduating from Mathayom 6. As for whether to continue studying or not? We'll have to think about it again. I accept that life is very bad during this time. Kind-hearted people can join in the charity by sending it to Mrs. Tasphan Jamsai, age 65, at Village No. 2, Ban Phet Niyom, Sak Ngam Subdistrict, Khlong Lan District, Kamphaeng Phet Province 62180 or call 086-2082657 Phuyai Chamroen. (Village headman) . Source: Thai News Agency