Role models in following Ho Chi Minh’s example honored


 Role models in following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style were honored during a TV program entitled “Ho Chi Minh – Aspirational Journey 2022” on Sunday.

The honorees are people with enthusiasm and dedication who braved challenges, wholeheartedly served the people, made sacrifices for the Fatherland, and fought against evil. These role mdoels have strengthened public trust in the Party and State.

Addressing the ceremony, Nguyen Trong Nghia, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communications and Education, underscored the need to continue to build good models and effective ways to commend, popularize, and replicate outstanding examples in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh.

“It’s important to renew the contents, methods, and forms of studying and disseminating information about Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style so that the legacy he left behind will continue to be strongly promoted. This will arouse patriotism, willpower, and the strength of Vietnamese culture and people, and their dedication and aspiration to develop the nation,” said Nghia.


Source: VOV5

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